Swap Shop Event Schedule

The Multicoloured Swap Shop will open on 30th October 2012

As well as being open to all on Tuesday - Thursday from 10am to 4pm, the shop will host an array of children's television themed activities for a wide range of ages and abilities:
Please RSVP to: nataliebays@msn.com

Note: children must be accompanied by an adult at all times to take part in activities

Pop-In Shop Activities:

Eric's Letters: An activity where you can swap a memory of Romford with an unknown friend. Take time to sit in the shop and reminisce about your visits to Victoria Road and Romford, over a cup of tea and a chat. Post a postcard with a visual memory or write a detailed description in a letter of a visit - its up to you, Seal the letter, post it in 'Eric's Orb' and swap it to read and connect with a fellow Romfordilian

Phone In: Who remembers all of those phone calls on TV from screaming children in competitions, or surprise phone calls from the presenters or a celebrity? Surprise someone in Romford with a phone call to a local phone booth - use the exclusive Swap Shop phone to exchange confusion with whoever answers the phone. Make their day by wishing them well, or by sharing a joke.

Job Swap: ever wish that you were doing something different? A more fun career? or can you imagine being something important in the future? Transform into whoever you want to be through an immersive interview on the 'Special Guest' sofa. Why were you invited into the show?

These activities are free to participate in and are accessible for all !


Opening Shop:
Tuesday 30th October, 5pm - 8pm
(by invitation only)
An Opening event for local traders to meet each other and network, through the aid of Swap Shop techniques

A Tale or Two, Romford Horror Stories:
Wednesday 31st October, 6pm - 7.30pm
(Family event, ages 7+)
In collaboration with The Havering Museum come along for some fun and games and some True spooky stories of Romford. With face painting and hot chocolate.

Here's One I Made Earlier:
Sunday 4th November, 10am - 4pm
(Open to all ages)
A day for local crafty people to skills exchange, 4 local crafters will show you the tricks of their trade, and all will get to take their crafts home - a great opportunity to network with like-minded people or just to have some fun!

Cartoon Time, A Romford Setting:
Wednesday 7th November, 4.30 - 6.30pm
(Children aged 6 - 12)
Come along to investigate all of your favourite sights of Romford, from McDonald's, to the Library and paint a giant mural on the wall at 1 Station Parade, to show which buldings and locations you like most about the town you live in

NO More Shopping:
Saturday 10th November, 10am - 4pm
(Open to all ages)
Walk into the Internet, in this playful art installation. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if the world was inside the Internet? If you had little human interaction and no local shops - this imagined dystopian reality could possibly be it...

The Romford Sun
Tuesday 13th November, 7pm - 9pm
(Young Adults, aged 10 - 18)
Take a journalistic viewpoint of the town that you live in and make a collective newspaper with new friends - decipher good from bad press and investigate the news stories that give Essex an edge, from TOWIE to the St Osyth Lion, what would you write about?

Cartoon Time, Romford Characters:
Wednesday 14th November, 4.30 - 6.30pm
(Children aged 6 - 12)
Come and investigate the characters of your town, from the lolly pop lady that helps you crass the road, to the teenager 'hanging out' at the bus stop. Who do you recognise from your town. Make a puppet of them and play against the backdrop of the previously painted Romford Town.

Cartoon Time, Animating Romford:
Saturday 17th November, 12.00pm - 3.00pm
(Children aged 10 - 14)
Exploring and using various animation techniques, combined with the resources made in previous workshops-  animate Romford the way that you see it, with the funny conversations people have on a vibrant backdrop of our town.

Shutting Up Shop:
Saturday 17th November, 6.00pm - 9:00pm
Everyone is welcome to come to the celebratory 'closing down' exhibition of the work produced in the Swap Shop over the course of the 3 weeks. Come and see snippets of participatory artworks, read the local news see how the people of Romford see themselves and the town they live in.

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